For Events outside of the Hallaton Benefice visit the Launde Minster Community website

Our Churches continue to support local Foodbanks.

You can drop off donations for the Jubilee Foodbank Market Harborough
at Hallaton Church or to Linda Jones at 25, Eastgate, Hallaton at any time

View the Jubilee Food Bank website for their most needed items

Welcome to Tugby's St Thomas Becket
Cafe Style Church at 10 am on fourth Sundays

Cafe Morrell in Hallaton church is open every Tuesday from 10am until 12-30pm

HORNINGHOLD Church Restoration Project: SPIRE

If you buy items from AMAZON please go to our website first and click the Amazon link.
 No additional charge is made for the items purchased but Spire will receive up to 4% in commission on the sale. All the commission goes towards the church restoration project. 
SPIRE HIRE: Garden Pavilion 6M x 3M for £10SPIRE HIRE: Cutlery set [100] for £4
Call Katie Holmes on 555 664

You can buy really interesting mint stamps for postage at no extra cost but with the benefit of supporting the work of the episcopal churches in Sudan and South Sudan.